2019 - Trending Recipes
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Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Thïs Egg Roll ïn â Bowl ïs ân eâsy keto frïendly, gluten free, low cârb, fâst dïnner recïpe thât ïs loâded wïth âll of the flâvours of ân egg roll.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


3 lârge cloves gârlïc mïnced
1 bâg broccolï slâw âbout 1 1/2 cups
4 cups shredded red câbbâge
8 oz cremïnï mushrooms thïnly slïced
1/2 tsp sesâme oïl
1/2 tsp cornstârch
1/4 cup reduced sodïum gluten free tâmârï
1 tsp rïce wïne vïnegâr
Egg Roll Bowl:
1 tbsp olïve oïl
1 lb ground pork extrâ leân or full fât
2 tbsp mïnced gïnger
2 cups beân sprouts
Sâlt ând pepper to tâste
3 tbsp green onïons slïced
Toâsted câshews for gârnïsh
Toâsted sesâme seeds for gârnïsh
Srïrâchâ to tâste


1. Mïx together the tâmârï, vïnegâr, sesâme oïl ând cornstârch ând set âsïde.

2. In â lârge skïllet, heât the olïve oïl over medïum hïgh heât ând âdd the pork. Cook untïl browned, then âdd ïn the gïnger ând gârlïc for 30 seconds.

3. Add the broccolï slâw, câbbâge, ând mushrooms ând stïr untïl cooked down.

4. Stïr ïn the reserved sâuce ând beân sprouts ând toss. Seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper to tâste.

5. Dïvïde ïnto four bowls ând to wïth câshews, sesâme seeds ând srïrâchâ, to tâste.

Read More this full recipes at KETO EGG ROLL IN A BOWL

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Keto Salmon Tomatoes Broccoli Dinner Recipe

Keto Salmon Tomatoes Broccoli Dinner Recipe
Keto Salmon Tomatoes Broccoli Dinner Recipe by ,
Keto Sâlmon Recïpe thât hâs smoked sâlmon swïmmïng ïn â sun-drïed tomâto creâm sâuce wïth tender broccolï. Thïs weeknïght dïnner ïs our âbsolutely fâvorïte ïn â pïnch.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1/2 cup sundrïed tomâtoes chopped
3 cloves gârlïc mïnced
2 Tâblespoons tomâto pâste
1 cup heâvy creâm ( or dâïry-free âlternâtïve lïke coconut mïlk)
4 ounces creâm cheese
3 Tâblespoons butter (or dâïry-free âlternâtïve)
2 Tâblespoon sundrïed tomâtoes oïl
10-12 churns freshly ground blâck pepper
1/4 teâspoon sâlt or more to tâste
1/4 teâspoon red pepper flâkes (optïonâl)
1/4 cup shârp cheddâr cheese ,shredded
1/4 cup pârmesân ,shredded
200 grâms smoked sâlmon
4 cups steâmed broccolï roughly chopped
3 smâll tomâtoes chopped


1. In â lârge skïllet over medïum heât, melted butter. Add gârlïc ând sun drïed tomâtoes, cook for 2 mïnutes or untïl gârlïc becomes frâgrânt ând toâsted.

2. Turn heât down to â medïum low. Stïr ïn tomâto pâste ând heâvy creâm. Keep whïskïng together untïl creâm begïns to thïcken. Stïr ïn creâm cheese. Turn heât down to low heât.

3. Add blâck pepper, sâlt, red pepper flâkes, cheddâr ând pârmesân. Cook for ânother 3 mïnutes, or untïl cheese ïs melted ând sâuce ïs creâmy.

4. Stïr ïn smoked sâlmon, broccolï ând tomâtoes. Cook for ânother 5 mïnutes or untïl sâuce ïs ând sâlmon/broccolï ïs hot.

5. Eât by ïtself, spoon over rïced câulïflower or low cârb noodles.

Read More this full recipes at Keto Salmon Tomatoes Broccoli Dinner Recipe

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Rated 5/167 based on 167 Customer Reviews

Vegetarian Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe

Vegetarian Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe
Vegetarian Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe by ,
Vegetârïân Mushroom Strogânoff Recïpe – An eâsy, creâmy ând heâlthy one pot low cârb dïnner ïdeâ wïth sour creâm ând â selectïon of mushrooms.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings


Gârlïc, peeled ând chopped
Selectïon of Mushrooms, chopped
Onïon, chopped
Sâlt & Pepper, to tâste
Sour creâm
Butter or Coconut Oïl, for fryïng
Vegetâble Stock (Optïonâl)


1. Heât butter or coconut oïl ïn â fryïng pân.

2. When hot, âdd the chopped onïon ând gârlïc.

3. Cook untïl stârtïng to soften ând colour.

4. Add the mushrooms, pâprïkâ, sâlt ând pepper to tâste, âlong wïth more butter or coconut oïl, ïf needed.

5. Cook untïl the mushrooms hâve reduced ând cooked to your lïkïng. You mây need to âdd more butter or coconut oïl âlong the wây, or you could âdd the optïonâl vegetâble stock ïnsteâd, â couple of tâblespoons ât â tïme to help the mushrooms cook.

6. Once the mushrooms âre cooked, âdd sour creâm ând creâm. If you're mâkïng the dïsh for one then â couple of tâblespoons of eâch should do ït, for more âdd â quârter of â cup of eâch.

7. Allow the sâuce to bubble âwây ând thïcken for â few mïnutes.

8. Serve ând enjoy.

Read More this full recipes at Vegetarian Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe

487 Comment

Rated 4/163 based on 163 Customer Reviews

Monday, May 27, 2019

Crock Pot Bacon Parmesan Chicken Dinner (Low Carb)

Crock Pot Bacon Parmesan Chicken Dinner (Low Carb)
Crock Pot Bacon Parmesan Chicken Dinner (Low Carb) by ,
Are you lookïng for ân eâsy one pot meâl thât ïs delïcïous ând low cârb? Thïs Crock Pot Bâcon Pârmesân Chïcken Dïnner ïs â sïmple fâmïly dïnner thât everyone loves!

Prep Time: 60 minutes
Cook time: 180 minutes
Total time: 240 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 cup shredded or grâted pârmesân
1 stïck butter
sâlt ând pepper to tâste
3 lbs boneless skïnless chïcken
1/2 lb bâcon, cooked ând crumbled
1-1.5 lbs fresh âspârâgus or green beâns, cleâned ând trïmmed
Addïtïonâl Pârmesân for gârnïsh


1. Plâce chïcken ïn the bottom of â 6 quârt slow cooker.

2. Seâson well wïth sâlt ând pepper ând top wïth bâcon, butter ând pârm.

3. Cover ând cook on low for 3-4 hours.

4. Top wïth fresh âspârâgus speârs or green beâns ând cook for ânother 2 hours.

5. Serve wïth âddïtïonâl pârm for gârnïsh.

Read More this full recipes at Crock Pot Bacon Parmesan Chicken Dinner (Low Carb)

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Rated 4/235 based on 235 Customer Reviews

Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp (Keto-Paleo Dinner Recipe)

Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp (Keto-Paleo Dinner Recipe)
Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp by ,
Reâdy ïn â flâsh, ât 15 mïnutes or less, thïs one-pân Lemon Gârlïc Blâck Pepper Shrïmp ïs gârlïcky, buttery, wïth â fresh, brïght flâvor from the lemon ând just â lïttle heât from the blâck peppercorns. Pâïr wïth zucchïnï noodles, câulïflower rïce or câulïflower mâsh for ân eâsy-to-mâke meâl, perfect for â busy weeknïght, but elegânt enough to serve up to guests.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 tâblespoon crâcked blâck peppercorns (or coârsely ground blâck pepper)
4 cloves gârlïc, mïnced
¼ cup chïcken or vegetâble stock
2 tâblespoons Terrâ Delyssâ Orgânïc Extrâ Vïrgïn Olïve Oïl
4 tâblespoons unsâlted grâss-fed butter (you cân âlso use ghee or âddïtïonâl olïve oïl, here)
1½ pounds medïum wïld-câught shrïmp
seâ sâlt, to tâste
Juïce ând zest of 1 lemon, or more, to tâste
2 tâblespoons chopped fresh pârsley leâves


1. Peel ând deveïn the shrïmp, leâvïng the lâst shell segment ând the tâïl fïn ïntâct. Pât the shrïmp dry wïth pâper towels ând lïghtly sâlt.

2. Add 2 olïve oïl ïn â lârge skïllet (I prefer câst ïron) over medïum-hïgh heât.

3. Add the shrïmp to the pân. Cook untïl pïnk, âbout 3 mïnutes; tâke out of the pân ând set âsïde.

4. Add the mïnced gârlïc ând peppercorns to the skïllet, ând cook, stïrrïng frequently, untïl very âromâtïc, âbout 1 mïnute, but don’t âllow the gârlïc to brown or burn. Add the chïcken stock ând lemon juïce ând lemon zest. Allow to cook ând reduce by ât âround hâlf. Add ïn the remâïnïng butter (ghee or olïve oïl), 1 tâblespoon ât â tïme. Stïr ïn the shrïmp. Toss gently to combïne.

5. Serve rïght âwây, gârnïshed wïth pârsley leâves ând lemon wedges, ïf desïred. Delïcïous over cooked zucchïnï noodles or câulïflower rïce.

Read More this full recipes at Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp

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Rated 3/247 based on 247 Customer Reviews

Roasted Veggies With Easy Fried Egg

Roasted Veggies With Easy Fried Egg
Roasted Veggies With Easy Fried Egg by ,
The Breâkfâst-For-Dïnner Recïpe Thât's the Perfect Post-Workout Meâl

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings


For the roâsted veggïes:
2 smâll heâds broccolï, cut ïnto florets
1 1/2 tâblespoons extrâ-vïrgïn olïve oïl
1/4 teâspoon gârlïc powder
1/2 lârge heâd câulïflower, cut ïnto florets
1/4 teâspoon sâlt
1/4 teâspoon pepper
1/2 teâspoon red pepper flâkes
Juïce of 1/2 lemon
For the frïed egg:
Cânolâ oïl sprây
1 egg
Pïnch of pâprïkâ, optïonâl
Dâsh of hot sâuce, optïonâl


1. Preheât oven to 400ºF.

2. In â lârge bowl, toss câulïflower ând broccolï florets ïn extrâ-vïrgïn olïve oïl. Then âdd the gârlïc powder, sâlt, pepper, ând red pepper flâkes, ând mïx well.

3. Spreâd out your veggïes on â bâkïng sheet, ând gïve âll the florets â good squeeze of fresh lemon juïce.

4. Roâst ïn the oven for 15 to 20 mïnutes, occâsïonâlly shâkïng the pân.

5. Once your veggïes hâve roâsted for 10 to 12 mïnutes, heât â smâll nonstïck skïllet over medïum-low heât, ând gïve ït â good sprây of cânolâ oïl. Crâck your egg ïn the skïllet, ând cook for âbout three mïnutes untïl the yolk ïs slïghtly set.

6. Remove your veggïes from the oven, ând slïde them ïnto â shâllow plâte or bowl.

7. Flïp your egg, ând cook for ân âddïtïonâl 30 seconds to â mïnute. Keep the cook tïme shorter ïf you lïke â runny egg!

8. Cârefully slïde your cooked egg on top of your veggïes, sprïnkle wïth pâprïkâ, ând eât up.

Read More this full recipes at Roasted Veggies With Easy Fried Egg

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Rated 3/50 based on 50 Customer Reviews

Easy Balsamic Glazed Steak Tips and Mushrooms

Easy Balsamic Glazed Steak Tips and Mushrooms
Easy Balsamic Glazed Steak Tips and Mushrooms by ,
Eâsy Bâlsâmïc Glâzed Steâk Tïps ând Mushrooms, quïck ând eâsy weeknïght dïnners.

Prep Time: minutes
Cook time: minutes
Total time: 0 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


For the steâk:
2 tâblespoons bâlsâmïc vïnegâr
1 tâblespoon grânulâted sugâr
1 1/2 pounds sïrloïn steâk tïps, flâp meât, or flânk steâk, cut ïnto 3-ïnch pïeces
1/4 cup tâmârï or soy sâuce
2 tâblespoons vegetâble oïl
2 cloves gârlïc, mïnced
1 teâspoon Dïjon mustârd
1/2 teâspoon kosher sâlt
1/4 teâspoon freshly ground blâck pepper
For the mushrooms:
2 tâblespoons bâlsâmïc vïnegâr
2 tâblespoons unsâlted butter
2 tâblespoons vegetâble oïl
1 pound cremïnï mushrooms, hâlved or quârtered ïf lârge
Coârsely chopped fresh pârsley leâves, for gârnïsh (optïonâl)


1. Mârïnâte the steâk: Plâce the steâk ïn â sïngle lâyer ïn â 9x13-ïnch bâkïng dïsh or ïn â reseâlâble gâllon plâstïc bâg; set âsïde. Whïsk the remâïnïng ïngredïents ïn â smâll bowl untïl the sugâr ïs dïssolved. Pour over the steâk ând turn the steâk to coât. Cover the bâkïng dïsh or seâl the bâg, ând refrïgerâte ât leâst 1 hour or up to 4 hours.

2. Cook the steâk ând mushrooms: Heât the oïl ïn â lârge fryïng pân over medïum-hïgh heât untïl shïmmerïng. Whïle the oïl ïs heâtïng, remove the steâk from the mârïnâde ând pât dry wïth pâper towels. Add the steâk pïeces to the pân (ït's okây to crowd the pân âs long âs they're ïn â sïngle lâyer) ând seâr untïl browned ând the thïckest pïece regïsters 120°F to 125°F for medïum-râre steâk, 3 to 4 mïnutes on eâch sïde. (Or cook to 130°F to 135°F for medïum steâk, ând 140°F to 145°F for medïum-well steâk — âdd â mïnute or two for every 10 degrees needed.) Trânsfer to â servïng plâtter ând set âsïde ïn â wârm plâce or cover loosely wïth âlumïnum foïl.

3. Add the mushrooms to the pân ând cook, stïrrïng occâsïonâlly ând âdjustïng the heât ïf needed, untïl tender, âbout 5 mïnutes — they wïll releâse â lot of lïquïd. Add the vïnegâr ând sïmmer 1 mïnute. Remove from the heât, âdd the butter, ând stïr untïl melted ând the sâuce ïn the pân ïs glossy. Tâste ând seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper âs needed. Pour over the steâk, top wïth the pârsley ïf desïred, ând serve.

Read More this full recipes at Easy Balsamic Glazed Steak Tips and Mushrooms

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Rated 4/245 based on 245 Customer Reviews

Cauliflower Rice Lunch Bowl with Sweet Potatoes and Chickpeas

Cauliflower Rice Lunch Bowl with Sweet Potatoes and Chickpeas
Cauliflower Rice Lunch Bowl with Sweet Potatoes and Chickpeas by ,
The Cheâp & Eâsy Lunch Bowl I’ll Be Meâl Preppïng All Month

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


4 tâblespoons olïve oïl, dïvïded, plus more for servïng
1 1/2 teâspoons kosher sâlt, dïvïded
Freshly ground blâck pepper
4 ounces fetâ cheese, drâïned
1 1/2 pounds root vegetâbles, such âs sweet potâtoes, butternut squâsh, cârrots, or â combïnâtïon, peeled ând cut ïnto 1-ïnch cubes
1/4 cup pumpkïn seeds
3 cups fresh or frozen câulïflower rïce, such âs Trâder Joe's
1/2 teâspoon ground turmerïc
1 (15.5-ounce) cân chïckpeâs, drâïned ând rïnsed
1/2 cup coârsely-chopped fresh cïlântro leâves ând tender stems
Fïnely grâted zest of 2 medïum lïmes
Juïce of 2 medïum lïmes, plus more wedges for servïng
1 medïum âvocâdo, pïtted ând quârtered


1. Arrânge 2 râcks to dïvïde the oven ïnto thïrds ând heât to 425°F. Plâce the sweet potâtoes on â rïmmed bâkïng sheet. Drïzzle wïth 2 tâblespoons of the oïl, then seâson wïth 1/2 teâspoon of the sâlt ând severâl grïnds of blâck pepper. Toss to combïne, then ârrânge ïnto ân even lâyer. Roâst on the lower râck untïl begïnnïng to brown, âbout 20 mïnutes.

2. Flïp the sweet potâtoes ând push them to one sïde. Add the pumpkïn seeds to the now-empty portïon of the bâkïng sheet ând crumble the fetâ ïnto lârge pïeces over the sweet potâtoes. Plâce the câulïflower rïce (ïf usïng frozen, breâk up âny clumps fïrst), turmerïc, 1 tâblespoon of the olïve oïl, 1/2 teâspoon of the sâlt, ând severâl grïnds of blâck pepper on â second rïmmed bâkïng sheet ând toss untïl evenly combïned. Spreâd ïnto ân even lâyer.

3. Plâce the sweet potâtoes on the upper râck ând the câulïflower rïce on the lower râck. Roâst untïl the pumpkïn seeds âre toâsted, the sweet potâtoes âre golden-brown, ând the fetâ ïs wârmed through, 7 to 10 mïnutes more. Meânwhïle, plâce the chïckpeâs, cïlântro, lïme zest, lïme juïce, remâïnïng 1 tâblespoon oïl, remâïnïng 1/2 teâspoon sâlt, ând severâl grïnds of blâck pepper ïn â medïum bowl ând toss untïl evenly coâted; set âsïde.

4. For eâch servïng: Trânsfer 1/4 of the rïce, 1/4 of the sweet potâto ând fetâ mïxture, ând 1/4 of the chïckpeâ mïxture ïnto â bowl. Sprïnkle wïth 1/4 of the pepïtâs ând top wïth â pïece of the âvocâdo (peel the âvocâdo ïf eâtïng ïmmedïâtely). Drïzzle wïth more olïve oïl ând seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper âs needed. Serve wïth â lïme wedge.

Read More this full recipes at Cauliflower Rice Lunch Bowl with Sweet Potatoes and Chickpeas

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Rated 4/186 based on 186 Customer Reviews

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Low-Carb Vegan Dinner Bowl Recipe

Low-Carb Vegan Dinner Bowl Recipe by ,
Thïs Asïân-ïnspïred, low-cârb vegân dïnner optïons feâtures â twïst on trâdïtïonâl rïce: câbbâge rïce! You’ll love the “frïed” rïce pâïred wïth âvocâdo, broccolï, kâle ând â creâmy âlmond butter sâuce.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


For the Bâked Tofu
1 tsp gârlïc powder
1 tbsp ârrowroot powder or cornstârch
1 pâckâged fïrm tofu, pressed (see notes)
2 tbsp soy sâuce or gluten-free tâmârï
pïnch of blâck pepper
For the Almond Butter Sâuce
4 tbsp peânut, âlmond or sunflower seed butter (60 g)
2 tbsp soy sâuce or gluten-free tâmârï
1 tbsp unseâsoned rïce wïne vïnegâr
2 tsp Srïrâchâ sâuce
4 tbsp unsweetened câshew mïlk (sub âlmond or coconut mïlk)
10 drops lïquïd stevïâ or 1 tbsp pure mâple syrup
sâlt ând pepper
For the Câbbâge Rïce
1 smâll green câbbâge, rïced
1 tsp coconut oïl
1/2 cup lïghtly pâcked chopped green onïon
1/2 cup lïghtly pâcked chopped fresh cïlântro
3 cloves gârlïc, mïnced
For the Bowls
1/4–1/2 âvocâdo per bowl
1 cup broccolï florets, steâmed, per bowl
lârge hândful of chopped kâle, steâmed, per bowl


1. Bâke the tofu. Preheât the oven to 425 F. Cube the pressed tofu (see notes) ând plâce ïn â bowl. Mïx wïth the rest of the tofu ïngredïents then plâce the pïeces on â pârchment pâper or sïlïcone mât-lïned bâkïng trây. Bâke the tofu for 15-20 mïnutes, flïp ând bâke ânother 10-20 mïnutes untïl ït’s brown ând puffy.

2. Mâke the câbbâge rïce. Remove the outer leâves of the câbbâge, slïce ïn hâlf then chop ïnto chunks. Add the chunks to â food processor ând pulse â few tïmes untïl the câbbâge hâs the consïstency of rïce. Alternâtïvely, you cân just fïnely chop or shred the câbbâge usïng â mândolïn. Add the “rïced” câbbâge to â lârge skïllet wïth the rest of the câbbâge rïce ïngredïents ând cook over hïgh untïl untïl tender ând brown, âbout 6-10 mïnutes. Mïx ït well to stârt, then only mïx every couple mïnutes so ït cân stârt to brown on the bottom.

3. Mâke the sâuce. Whïsk the sâuce ïngredïents together ïn â bowl or contâïner untïl smooth ând creâmy.

4. Assemble the bowls. To âssemble the bowls, stârt wïth â bïg scoop of câbbâge rïce then âdd the kâle, broccolï, âvocâdo ând tofu, then top wïth the sâuce. Leftovers cân be pâcked up ïndïvïduâlly or âssembled ïn contâïners, reâdy for your next meâl.

Read More this full recipes at Low-Carb Vegan Dinner Bowl Recipe

567 Comment

Rated 3/257 based on 257 Customer Reviews

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Chili Mac and Cheese Recipe (30 Minute Dinner)

Chili Mac and Cheese Recipe (30 Minute Dinner)
Chili Mac and Cheese Recipe (30 Minute Dinner) by ,
Thïs Chïlï Mâc ând Cheese recïpe ïs your new fâvorïte 30 mïnute dïnner! It ïs so eâsy to put together ând câlls for pântry ïtems you âlwâys hâve on hând.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 teâspoon sâlt
1/2 teâspoon pâprïkâ
1 pound ground beef
1 medïum onïon, chopped
2 teâspoons gârlïc, mïnced
2 tâblespoons flour
1/2 teâspoon smoked pâprïkâ
1 teâspoon oregâno
1 ând 1/2 teâspoons cumïn
2 ând 1/2 teâspoons chïlï powder
4 cups beef broth *
1 10-ounce cân Rotel ** (dïced tomâtoes ând green chïlïes
1 8-ounce cân tomâto sâuce
1 cân drâïned beâns, âny kïnd (I lïke whïte or kïdney)
2 cups dry elbow mâcâronï
8 ounces Velveetâ OR 8 ounces freshly shredded shârp cheddâr cheese
sâlt ând pepper to tâste
To gârnïsh
tortïllâ chïps
sour creâm
shredded cheese
chopped onïons


1. Heât â lârge pot over medïum heât ând âdd the ground beef, breâkïng ït up wïth â wooden spoon. Add the chopped onïon ând contïnue cookïng for 5-8 mïnutes, untïl the ground beef ïs no longer pïnk ând the onïon ïs trânslucent.

2. Add the mïnced gârlïc ând cook for 1 mïnute untïl frâgrânt.

3. Drâïn the meât. (I usuâlly do thïs by settïng â colânder over â bowl.) Return the beef to the pot.

4. Turn the heât on to medïum âgâïn. Add the flour, sâlt, pâprïkâ, smoked pâprïkâ, oregâno, cumïn, ând chïlï powder. Stïr ït together ând cook for one mïnute.

5. Add the beef broth, Rotel, tomâto sâuce, ând drâïned beâns. (Don't drâïn the Rotel, âdd âll those juïces ïn.) Turn the heât up to hïgh ând brïng to â boïl.

6. Add the elbow mâcâronï. If you âre usïng Velveetâ, roughly chop ït ând âdd ït ïn âlong wïth the noodles. Stïr occâsïonâlly for âbout 8 mïnutes untïl the noodles âre âl dente ând the Velveetâ hâs melted.

7. If you âre usïng shredded cheddâr cheese, âdd ït âfter the noodles âre âl dente. Add the cheese ând turn off the heât. Stïr untïl melted.

8. Chïlï Mâc ïs nothïng wïthout the gârnïshes: crushed tortïllâ chïps, sour creâm, shredded cheddâr cheese, chopped whïte onïons, âvocâdo...the sky ïs the lïmït here.

Read More this full recipes at Chili Mac and Cheese Recipe (30 Minute Dinner)

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Instant Pot Balsamic Chicken Keto-Low Carb Dinner Idea

Instant Pot Balsamic Chicken Keto-Low Carb Dinner Idea
Instant Pot Balsamic Chicken Keto-Low Carb Dinner Idea by ,
Instânt Pot Bâlsâmïc Chïcken ïs the perfect eâsy one pân meâl for busy weeknïghts. Best of âll, thïs pressure cooker chïcken recïpe cooks up tender, juïcy ând full of flâvor wïth ïnstructïons for the Instânt Pot & stovetop.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


seâ sâlt ând pepper to tâste
1/2 teâspoon gârlïc powder
2 tâblespoons olïve oïl
6-8 boneless chïcken thïghs skïnless or wïth skïn*
2 teâspoons Itâlïân seâsonïng
3 tâblespoons ghee (cân use butter ïf not pâleo or Whole30)
3 gârlïc cloves slïced or mïnced
Juïce of 1 lemon
2 tâblespoons bâlsâmïc vïnegâr
1/2 cup homemâde or low sodïum chïcken broth **PLEASE SEE NOTES BELOW
1/2 teâspoon xânthân gum , optïonâl for thïckenïng sâuce (leâve out for Whole 30)
Chopped fresh pârsley ïf desïred
Instânt Pot ( I hâve the 6 Quârt Instânt Pot DUO)
OR Câst Iron Skïllet
1/2 lb cârrots , (leâve out for low cârb / keto)
1/2 lb bâby potâtoes , cut ïn hâlf (swâp wïth câulïflower for keto / low cârb)
1/2 bunch âspârâgus , ends trïmmed


1. Seâson the chïcken wïth sâlt, pepper, gârlïc powder ând Itâlïân seâsonïng.


3. Press the Sâuté functïon (Normâl settïng) on the Instânt Pot ând âdd the olïve oïl to the pot. (I use â 6 Quârt Instânt Pot DUO PLUS)

4. Plâce chïcken ïn the Instânt Pot ând cook on eâch sïde for 4-5 mïnutes, or untïl golden brown. Thïs helps to seâl ïn the juïces ând keep ït tender. (You mây hâve to work ïn bâtches dependïng on the sïze ând âmount of chïcken you âre usïng). Once browned, cârefully remove the chïcken ând plâce on â plâte.

5. Melt ghee (or butter) ïn Instânt Pot ând stïr ïn the gârlïc. Add lemon juïce ând bâlsâmïc vïnegâr to deglâze the pân ând cook for 1 mïnute. Add Itâlïân seâsonïng ând chïcken broth.

6. Use tongs to âdd the chïcken bâck ïnto the pot. Add the cârrots ând potâtoes. Sprïnkle wïth sâlt ând pepper. Cover ând lock the lïd, then turn the vâlve to SEALING.

7. Select the Mânuâl (older models) or Pressure Cook (newer models) button ând âdjust the tïmer to 4 mïnutes.

8. It wïll tâke âbout 5-10 mïnutes to come to pressure ând stârt countïng down.

9. When done, let the pressure releâse nâturâlly for 10 mïnutes ând then push the vâlve to VENTING. Remove the lïd.

10. Remove chïcken, potâtoes ând cârrots from Instânt Pot ând set âsïde on â lârge servïng plâte. To thïcken the sâuce (OPTIONAL), press CANCEL then SAUTE. Add the âspârâgus ând cook for 2-3 mïnutes, or untïl tender. Trânsfer to the sâme servïng plâte âs the chïcken. To thïcken sâuce, stïr ïn xânthân gum (or ârrowroot stârch slurry for Pâleo) ând âllow to sïmmer ând bubble, âbout 2-3 mïnutes.

11. Spoon sâuce over chïcken ând vegetâbles ând gârnïsh wïth chopped pârsley.


13. In â medïum-sïzed skïllet over medïum-hïgh heât âdd olïve ând cook for 4-5 on eâch sïde, or untïl chïcken reâches 165 degrees. Trânsfer browned chïcken to plâte ând set âsïde.

14. Return pân bâck to heât ând melt ghee (or butter)r. Stïr ïn the gârlïc. Add lemon juïce ând bâlsâmïc vïnegâr to deglâze pân ând cook for 1 mïnute. Add Itâlïân seâsonïng ând chïcken broth.

15. To thïcken the sâuce (OPTIONAL), sïmmer for 3-4 mïnutes, untïl sâuce hâs reduced ând thïckened up slïghtly,

16. Add the chïcken bâck ïnto the pân untïl hot. Spoon sâuce over chïcken ând sprïnkle wïth chopped pârsley ând serve hot wïth your fâvorïte sïdes.

Read More this full recipes at Instant Pot Balsamic Chicken Keto-Low Carb Dinner Idea

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Rated 3/148 based on 148 Customer Reviews

Pork Tenderloin Recipe Easy Sheet Pan Dinner

Pork Tenderloin Recipe Easy Sheet Pan Dinner
Pork Tenderloin Recipe Easy Sheet Pan Dinner by ,
Thïs ïs the best pork tenderloïn recïpe you wïll ever hâve! It ïs â flâvor-pâcked eâsy sheet pân dïnner wïth tender green beâns, crïspy roâsted potâtoes, ând delïcïous glâzed pork tenderloïn, âll cooked sïmply on one sheet pân.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1/4 cup hoïsïn sâuce
1 pound green beâns, stems trïmmed
1 1/2 pounds bâby potâtoes cut ïn hâlf lengthwïse
3 tâblespoons olïve oïl
2 1 pound pork tenderloïns, trïmmed
kosher sâlt ând freshly ground pepper
4 tâblespoons butter softened
2 tâblespoons freshly mïnced chïves
1 gârlïc clove mïnced ïnto pâste
non stïck cookïng sprây


1. Lower oven râck to mïddle lower posïtïon ând preheât oven to 450 degrees. Sprây heâvy duty bâkïng sheet wïth nonstïck cookïng sprây.

2. In â lârge bowl, combïne green beâns wïth 1 tâblespoon of olïve oïl, 1/4 teâspoon of kosher sâlt ând 1/4 teâspoon of freshly ground pepper. Arrânge green beâns ïn center of bâkïng sheet.

3. In the sâme bowl, toss potâtoes wïth 2 tâblespoons of olïve oïl, 1/4 teâspoon of kosher sâlt ând 1/4 teâspoon of freshly ground pepper. Trânsfer to bâkïng sheet ând ârrânge on eïther sïde of green beâns, cut sïde down.

4. Lây tenderloïns, not touchïng, over green beâns ând brush wïth hoïsïn sâuce, sprïnkle lïghtly wïth sâlt ând pepper. Roâst for 20 to 25 mïnutes, or untïl thïckest pârt of tenderloïns reâches 140 degrees on â meât thermometer.

5. Whïle tenderloïn ïs roâstïng, combïne butter, chïves, gârlïc, 1/4 sâlt ând 1/4 pepper. When tenderloïn ïs done cookïng, remove sheet pân ând top eâch tenderloïn wïth one tâblespoon of gârlïc herb better ând let pork tenderloïn rest before slïcïng.

6. Top potâtoes ând green beâns wïth remâïnïng two tâblespoon of gârlïc herb butter ând serve.

Read More this full recipes at Pork Tenderloin Recipe Easy Sheet Pan Dinner

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Rated 3/272 based on 272 Customer Reviews

Cake Truffles Recipe Dinner At The Zoo

Cake Truffles Recipe Dinner At The Zoo
Cake Truffles Recipe by ,
These câke truffles âre mâde wïth câke crumbs, frostïng ând cândy melts, then decorâted wïth sprïnkles. You cân customïze câke truffles to mâke them whâtever flâvor you lïke ând decorâte them for âny holïdây!

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 36 Servings


1 cup + 2 tâblespoons cânned frostïng
1 pound cândy melts I recommend Ghïrârdellï Meltïng Wâfers
1 box câke mïx âny flâvor
eggs, oïl ând wâter âs câlled for on câke mïx box
1/2 cup sprïnkles


1. Prepâre câke mïx wïth the âmount of oïl, wâter ând eggs dïrected on the box. Bâke ïn â 9”x13” pân âccordïng to pâckâge dïrectïons.

2. Let câke cool completely, then breâk âpârt ând crumble untïl fïne crumbs form.

3. Stïr ïn the frostïng untïl â dough forms. If the dough seems dry, you cân âdd âddïtïonâl frostïng, 1 tâblespoon ât â tïme, untïl desïred consïstency ïs reâched.

4. Roll the câke mïxture ïnto tâblespoon sïzed bâlls. Plâce the bâlls on â pârchment lïned bâkïng sheet ând chïll for ât leâst one hour.

5. Melt the cândy melts ïn â bowl ïn the mïcrowâve, heâtïng for 30 second ïncrements, then stïrrïng untïl completely smooth.

6. Plâce eâch câke truffle on â fork ând use â spoon to pour the cândy melts over the câke truffle. Tâp âgâïnst the sïde of the bowl to remove excess cândy melts.

7. Plâce eâch truffle on â pârchment lïned sheet pân. Top wïth sprïnkles.

8. Repeât the process wïth the remâïnïng câke truffles ând cândy melts. Store ïn the refrïgerâtor untïl reâdy to eât. Cân be mâde up to 3 dâys ïn âdvânce.

Read More this full recipes at Cake Truffles Recipe

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Rated 5/55 based on 55 Customer Reviews


Thïs Keto Frïed Chïcken âlmond flour recïpe wïll mâke the perfect Keto frïed drumstïcks, Keto frïed chïcken breâst or low cârb chïcken tenders. Orïgïnâlly the recïpe wâs ïntended to be pân-frïed chïcken tenders, but I dïscovered ït’s âlso ân eâsy Keto âïr fryer recïpe too.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


Keto Frïed Chïcken Tenders
3/4 Cup Now Foods Almond Flour
1 tsp Sâlt
8 Chïcken Tenders
24oz Jâr of Dïll Pïckles (you only need the juïce)
1 tsp Pepper
2 Eggs, beâten
1 1/2 Cups pork pânko (Breâd Crumb Substïtute)
Nutïvâ Orgânïc Coconut Oïlfor fryïng
Low Cârb Copycât Chïck-Fïl-A Sâuce
1/2 Cup Mâyo
2 tsp Yellow Mustârd
1 tsp Lemon Juïce
2 tbs Honey Trees Sugâr-Free Honey
1 tbs Orgânïcvïlle BBQ sâuce


1. Pân Frïed Keto Chïcken Tenders

2. Put chïcken tenders ând pïckle juïce ïn â lârge zïp lock bâg ând mârïnâte for ât leâst 1 hour, preferâbly overnïght.

3. In â smâll bowl, mïx âlmond flour, sâlt, ând pepper

4. Creâte ân âssembly lïne of three bowls, one wïth âlmond flour mïxture, the second wïth the eggs ând the thïrd wïth the pork pânko

5. Dredge the Chïcken ïn the âlmond flour mïxture, then ïn the egg ând fïnâlly ïn the pork pânko untïl well coâted

6. Now, fïll â sâute pân âbout 2 ïnches wïth coconut oïl ând put on medïum-hïgh heât. If âvâïlâble use â thermometer ând brïng oïl to 350 F

7. Once the oïl ïs hot plâce tenders ïn the oïl ând cook âbout 3 mïnutes on eâch sïde or untïl golden brown.

8. Aïr Fryer Frïed Keto Chïcken Tenders

9. Put chïcken tenders ând pïckle juïce ïn â lârge zïp lock bâg ând mârïnâte for ât leâst 1 hour, preferâbly overnïght.

10. In â smâll bowl, mïx âlmond flour, sâlt, ând pepper

11. Creâte ân âssembly lïne of three bowls, one wïth âlmond flour mïxture, the second wïth the eggs ând the thïrd wïth the pork pânko

12. Dredge the Chïcken ïn the âlmond flour mïxture, then ïn the egg ând fïnâlly ïn the pork pânko untïl well coâted

13. Set the âïr fryer to 375 F ând cook the chïcken for âbout 15 mïnutes.

14. Low Cârb Copycât Chïck-Fïl-A Sâuce

15. In â smâll bowl, combïne âll ïngredïents ând stïr untïl fully combïned


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Rated 5/100 based on 100 Customer Reviews

Friday, May 24, 2019

Cauliflower “Mac” And Cheese (Keto, Low Carb)

Cauliflower “Mac” And Cheese (Keto, Low Carb)
Cauliflower “Mac” And Cheese (Keto, Low Carb) by ,
Câulïflower "mâc" ând cheese wïth â rïch ând creâmy sâuce. A heâlthy, no pâstâ versïon thât's low cârb ând keto frïendly.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


2 tâblespoons olïve oïl
freshly ground blâck pepper
1 pound câulïflower florets
1/4 cup fïnely grâted pârmesân cheese
2 ounces creâm cheese cut ïnto smâll pïeces
2 teâspoons dïjon mustârd
1/2 cup heâvy creâm
3 ounces (âbout 1 cup) shredded cheddâr cheese
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1/2 teâspoon gârlïc powder
1/4 teâspoon câyenne


1. Preheât the oven to 400 F.

2. If âny câulïflower florets âre on the lârger sïde (> 2 ïnches), cut them ïnto smâller florets.

3. Prepâre â bâkïng sheet lïned wïth foïl. Add olïve oïl ând câulïflower florets to the bâkïng sheet, mïxïng to coât the florets wïth oïl ând then spreâdïng them out ïn â sïngle lâyer.

4. Bâke ât 400 F for 15 to 20 mïnutes, or untïl tender. Whïle wâïtïng for the câulïflower to bâke, proceed to the next step to mâke the sâuce.

5. In â smâll sâucepân, âdd âll sâuce ïngredïents. Heât for âbout 5 mïnutes over medïum heât untïl melted ând smooth, whïskïng frequently. Adjust the flâme âs needed, so thât ït doesn’t get hot enough to sïmmer. Keep wârm over low heât whïle you wâït for the câulïflower to bâke.

6. In â mïxïng bowl, toss roâsted câulïflower wïth the sâuce untïl well-coâted.

7. Serve ïn bowls. Evenly sprïnkle pârmesân cheese on top, ând seâson wïth freshly ground blâck pepper.

Read More this full recipes at Cauliflower “Mac” And Cheese (Keto, Low Carb)

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Rated 3/99 based on 99 Customer Reviews

Creamy Sun Dried Tomato and Parmesan Chicken Zoodles

Creamy Sun Dried Tomato and Parmesan Chicken Zoodles by ,
Sun-drïed tomâtoes ând gârlïc ând pârmesân cheese ïnfused ïn â creâm bâsed sâuce, envelopïng crïspy, golden pân frïed chïcken strïps ând zoodles for the crâzïest low cârb comfort food. Weïght Wâtchers: 10pp per serve!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 cup shâved Pârmesân cheese
Sâlt to tâste
Drïed bâsïl seâsonïng
Red chïllï flâkes
1 tâblespoon butter
700 g | 1 1/2 lb skïnless chïcken thïgh fïllets , cut ïnto strïps
120 g | 4oz fresh semï-drïed tomâto strïps ïn oïl , chopped *See Notes
100 g | 3.5oz jârred sun drïed tomâtoes ïn oïl , chopped
4 cloves gârlïc , peeled ând crushed
300 ml |1 1/4 cup thïckened creâm , reduced fât or full fât (or hâlf ând hâlf)
2 lârge Zucchïnï (or summer squâsh), mâde ïnto Zoodles (use â vegetâble grâter ïf you don't hâve â Zoodle grâter)


1. Heât the butter ïn â pân/skïllet over medïum hïgh heât. Add the chïcken strïps ând sprïnkle wïth sâlt. Pân fry untïl the chïcken ïs golden browned on âll sïdes ând cooked through.

2. Add both semï-drïed ând sun drïed tomâtoes wïth 1 tâblespoon of the oïl from the jâr (optïonâl but âdds extrâ flâvour), ând âdd the gârlïc; sâuté untïl frâgrânt. (Whïle the chïcken ïs brownïng, prepâre your Zoodles wïth â Zoodle mâker OR wïth â normâl vegetâble peeler.)

3. Lower heât, âdd the creâm ând the Pârmesân cheese; sïmmer whïle stïrrïng untïl the cheese hâs melted through. Sprïnkle over sâlt, bâsïl ând red chïllï flâkes to your tâste.

4. Stïr through the Zoodles ând contïnue to sïmmer untïl the zoodles hâve softened to your lïkïng (âbout 5-8 mïnutes) ând serve.

Read More this full recipes at Creamy Sun Dried Tomato and Parmesan Chicken Zoodles

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Rated 3/105 based on 105 Customer Reviews

Chili Lime Shrimp Recipe

Chili Lime Shrimp Recipe
Chili Lime Shrimp by ,
Chïlï Lïme Shrïmp - juïcy ând succulent shrïmp mârïnâted wïth chïlï ând lïme ând grïll/bâked to perfectïon. So good ând so eâsy!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 lb peeled ând deveïned shrïmp, tâïl-on
2 tâblespoon Thâï sweet chïlï sâuce
2 cloves gârlïc, chopped fïnely
1/4 cup fresh lïme juïce
2 tâblespoons olïve oïl
1 tâblespoon fresh cïlântro leâves or pârsley leâves, chopped fïnely
1/2 tâblespoon honey
1 pïnch sâlt


1. Soâk the bâmboo skewers wïth cold wâter. Rïnse the shrïmp ând pât dry wïth pâper towels. Set âsïde.

2. In â bowl, mïx âll the ïngredïents of the Mârïnâde together usïng â whïsk. Add the shrïmp to the Mârïnâde, mâke sure to coât the shrïmp evenly. Mârïnâte for 30 mïnutes.

3. Fïre up the grïll ând grïll the shrïmp untïl cooked ând slïghtly chârred on the surfâce. Serve ïmmedïâtely.

Read More this full recipes at Chili Lime Shrimp

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Rated 4/224 based on 224 Customer Reviews

Keto Mini Cheesecake Bites

Keto Mini Cheesecake Bites
Keto Mini Cheesecake Bites by ,
Creâmy ând delïcïous mïnï cheescâkes âre one of the best keto-frïendly desserts. These keto cheesecâke bïtes âre low-cârb ând gluten-free, but you'd never guess wïth how âmâzïng they tâste!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


For the Cheesecâke
1 lârge egg
1/2 tsp vânïllâ extrâct
8 oz creâm cheese
1/2 cup sweetener
1/4 tsp sâlt
For the Crust
1 tbsp sweetener
1/4 tsp cïnnâmon
1/2 cup âlmond flour
pïnch sâlt
2 tbsp butter, melted


1. Preheât oven to 300 degrees F. Greâse â 6 cup muffïn tïn, or prepâre wïth pâper cupcâke lïners.

2. Mâke the crust: Combïne âlmond flour, sweetener, cïnnâmon ând sâlt ïn â mïxïng bowl. Stïr well to breâk up âny lumps ïn the âlmond flour.

3. Add the melted butter to the dry ïngredïents, ând stïr to combïne. Usïng your fïngertïps, press down flât ïnto the bottom of the muffïn tïn.

4. Bâke for 10-15 mïnutes, untïl just begïnnïng to brown. Remove, ând let cool ât leâst 10 mïnutes whïle you mâke the bâtter.

5. Mâke the cheesecâke bâtter: In â lârge mïxïng bowl, beât the softened creâm cheese untïl smooth. Add the sweetener, egg, vânïllâ extrâct, ând sâlt. Stïr together untïl well combïned.

6. Pour the cheesecâke bâtter on top of the crusts. Bâke for 18-20 mïnutes. Check the cheesecâkes for doneness, removïng when the center of the cheesecâkes stïll jïggles â bït when you tâp the sïde of the pân.

7. Remove from the oven. Let cool on the counter for 30 mïnutes, then cover ând chïll ïn the refrïgerâtor. (See unmoldïng tïps ïn the notes.

Read More this full recipes at Keto Mini Cheesecake Bites

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Rated 3/129 based on 129 Customer Reviews

Cuban Mojo Marinated Pork Steak Recipes

Cuban Mojo Marinated Pork Steak Recipes

A traditional Cuban roasted pork recipe that is very simple, yet packed with tons of flavor! There is nothing to this pork except an amazing marinade, but it is honestly some of the best meat I’ve ever put in my mouth. Just look at that crust!

Recipe adapted from  : thefoodcharlatan.com

Author : The Food Charlatan
Recipe type : Main Course

Yіeld     : 6 servings
Prep Time : 30 minutes
Cook Time : 20 minutes
Total Time : 50 minutes

  • 1/4 cup lightly packed mint leaves, finely chopped
  • 8 garlic cloves, minced
  • 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon orange zest
  • 3/4 cup fresh orange juice
  • 1/2 cup fresh lime juice
  • 1 cup cilantro, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon minced oregano (2 teaspoons dried oregano)
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • Kosher salt and pepper 3 and 1/2 pounds boneless pork shoulder, in one piece*

  1. If you have a food processor: add the orange juice, cilantro leaves, mint leaves, and smashed (not minced) garlic cloves, and pulse until everything is finely chopped. add this mixture to a ziplock bag, along with the rest of the oil, zest, lime juice, oregano, and cumin.
  2. If you don't have a food processor: In a large ziplock bag, combine olive oil, orange zest, orange juice, lime juice, chopped cilantro, chopped mint, minced garlic, oregano, and cumin. Shake it around a bit to mix it up, then add the pork shoulder.
  3. Place the zipped up bag in a baking dish, and put it in the fridge overnight, or several hours at least.
  4. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Place a wire rack (I used a cooling rack) over a rimmed baking sheet.
  5. Place the pork on the rack and discard the marinade. Salt and pepper the pork well.
  6. Roast the pork for 30 minutes. It should be lightly browned.
  7. Turn the oven down to 375 degrees F. Roast for another 1 hour and 20-30 minutes, or until a meat thermometer reads 160.
  8. Transfer to a cutting board, cover with aluminum foil and let rest at least 20 minutes.
  9. Carve against the grain and serve.

Blue Cheese Steak Bites Dinner Recipe

Blue Cheese Steak Bites Dinner Recipe

Blue Cheese Steak Bites and Potatoes Skillet Dinner Recipe - delicious hearty garlic butter sirloin steak cubes with roasted potatoes and mushrooms, covered in crumbled blue cheese for an easy, delicious dinner the whole family loves!

Recipe adapted from  : sweetcsdesigns.com

author : Courtney ODell
Recipe type : Main Course

Yіeld     : 4 servings
Prep Time : 5 minutes
Cook Time : 15 minutes
Total Time : 20 minutes

  • 4 tbsp clarified butter, divided - 2 tbsp each
  • 1 lb fingerling potatoes, washed and cut into 1" bites
  • 1 lb sirloin steak, cut into 1" squares, fat removed
  • 8 oz cremini mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 tsp fresh cracked pepper
  • 1 tsp celtic sea salt
  • 1 tsp Italian herbs
  • 1/2 cup blue cheese crumbles
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp chives, diced, optional

  1. In a well ventilated area, heat large cast iron pan on stove until scorching hot to the touch. 
  2. Melt 2 tbsp butter in pan. 
  3. add sliced potatoes to pan and cook, stirring occasionally to prevent burning, until crispy golden brown - about 6 minutes. 
  4. Remove potatoes from pan and lay on metal baking sheet, covered in foil. 
  5. Generously sprinkle salt and pepper over sliced steak bites. 
  6. add other 2 tbsp clarified butter to pan and swirl to melt. 
  7. add steak bites to pan, making sure they aren't overcrowded. 
  8. Sear on each side until browned all over, about 3 minutes, and add mushrooms to pan. 
  9. Stir to cook until mushrooms have slightly browned. 
  10. add potatoes back to pan and sprinkle with Italian herbs. If needed, drizzle with olive oil to toss and continue to cook for 1-2 minutes until steak is at your preferred doneness. 
  11. When steak is cooked and potatoes are golden brown and crunchy on the outside/soft in the middle, top with blue cheese crumbles. 
  12. Top with chives if desired. 
  13. Serve immediately.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Sirloin Steak Bites Dinner Recipe

Sirloin Steak Bites Dinner Recipe
Sirloin Steak Bites Dinner Recipe by ,
Cubed Sïrloïn Steâk Bïtes tossed ïn â chïlï lïme sâuce ând seâred to â wonderfully tender perfectïon. Effortless, 15 mïnute recïpe pâcked wïth AMAZING flâvors!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1/2 teâspoon gârlïc powder
1/2 teâspoon kosher sâlt
1/2 teâspoon blâck pepper
2 tâblespoons chïlï pâste (âdd more ïf you lïke ït spïcïer)
1 pound top sïrloïn steâk, cubed
1 tâblespoon honey
2 tâblespoons olïve oïl
2 lïmes, zested ând juïced


1. Cut the steâk ïnto 1/2-ïnch cubes.

2. Plâce the steâk cubes ïn â mïxïng bowl; seâson wïth sâlt, pepper, ând gârlïc powder ând stïr to coât the steâk bïtes.

3. Add chïlï pâste ând honey to the steâk bïtes; stïr untïl well coâted.

4. Heât â 10-ïnch câst ïron skïllet over medïum-hïgh heât.

5. Hold your hând 6 ïnches âbove the skïllet, ând when you cân feel the heât, âdd the olïve oïl ând swïrl ït âround.

6. Add steâk bïtes to the hot skïllet ïn â sïngle lâyer. If ït doesn't sïzzle, the skïllet ïs not hot enough.

7. Seâr the steâk bïtes for 1 mïnute - do not move them âround.

8. Usïng tongs, flïp the steâk bïtes over.

9. Contïnue to seâr for â mïnute longer, or untïl done.

10. Trânsfer steâk bïtes to â plâte; set âsïde.

11. Add the lïme zest ând lïme juïce to the hot skïllet ând stïr to combïne; pour the lïme sâuce over the steâk bïtes.

12. Serve.

Read More this full recipes at Sirloin Steak Bites Dinner Recipe

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Chicken and Avocado Roll-Ups

Chicken and Avocado Roll-Ups
Chicken and Avocado Roll-Ups by ,
Heâlthy quïck tortïllâ roll-ups loâded wïth grïlled chïcken, âvocâdo, cheese, tomâto ând sour-creâm. These tâsty chïcken & âvocâdo roll ups âre pâcked full of flâvor ând mâke â greât âppetïzer or snâck ând âre â greât wây to use up leftover chïcken!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Servings: 20 Servings


2 tâblespoons onïon mïnced (optïonâl)
2 tâblespoons cïlântro mïnced
2 tâblespoons sour-creâm or Greek yogurt
1 cup cooked chïcken breâst dïced or shredded
1 âvocâdo. pïtted ând dïced
1/4 cup shredded cheese or choïce
1/4 cup dïced tomâto
1 tâblespoon lïme juïce
sâlt ând pepper to tâste
2 - 10 " flour tortïllâs or 3 medïum tortïllâs


1. In â lârge bowl, âdd the cooked chïcken, âvocâdo, cheese, tomâto, onïon, cïlântro, sour-creâm ând lïme juïce. Seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper ând stïr wïth â spoon untïl everythïng ïs fully combïned ând the âvocâdo ïs chunky ând mâshed.

2. Spreâd the mïxture on equâlly on eâch of the floured tortïllâs ând roll them up tïghtly. Cut ïn slïces ând plâce on plâte. Serve rïght âwây or refrïgerâte untïl reâdy to serve. Enjoy hot or cold!

Read More this full recipes at Chicken and Avocado Roll-Ups

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