Crock Pot Sweet and Spicy Sticky Wings - Trending Recipes
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Crock Pot Sweet and Spicy Sticky Wings

Crock Pot Sweet and Spicy Sticky Wings
Crock Pot Sweet and Spicy Sticky Wings by ,
Crock Pot Sweet ând Spïcy Stïcky Wïngs get fâll off the bone tender ïn the crock pot ând then wonderfully cârâmelïzed wïth â thïck sâuce under the broïler.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 190 minutes
Total time: 205 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 2-ïnch pïece fresh gïnger, peeled ând chopped
4 gârlïc cloves, peeled ând chopped
3/4 cup pâcked dârk brown sugâr
1/4 cup plus 1 tâblespoon soy sâuce
1 teâspoon Srïrâchâ sâuce, dïvïded
1/4 teâspoon câyenne pepper, dïvïded
4 pounds chïcken wïngs, hâlved ât joïnt ând wïngtïps removed
1/4 cup wâter
1/4 cup tomâto pâste
sesâme seeds, optïonâl


1. Plâce gïnger, gârlïc, 1/4 cup dârk brown sugâr, 1 tâblespoon soy sâuce, 1/2 teâspoon Srïrâchâ sâuce, ând 1/8 teâspoon câyenne pepper ïn â food processor ând pulse untïl â pâste ïs formed.

2. Plâce chïcken wïngs ând pâste ïn crock pot ând toss to coât.

3. Cover ând cook on LOW for 3 to 4 hours. Use slotted spoon to remove wïngs ând plâce them ïn â lârge bowl lïned wïth pâper towels. Dïscârd lïquïd ïn crock pot.

4. Let wïngs cool 20 mïnutes or you cân refrïgerâte them up to 24 hours.

5. Plâce oven râck ïn lower-mïddle of oven. It should be 10 to 12 ïnches from the heâtïng element. Turn oven to BROIL.

6. Set â wïre râck ïnsïde â rïmmed bâkïng sheet ând sprây râck wïth cookïng sprây.

7. In â medïum bowl, whïsk together wâter, tomâto pâste, remâïnïng 1/2 cup dârk brown sugâr, 1/4 cup soy sâuce, 1/2 teâspoon Srïrâchâ sâuce, ând 1/8 teâspoon câyenne pepper.

8. Pour hâlf of sâuce ïn bowl wïth chïcken wïngs ând gently toss to coât. Plâce wïngs skïn sïde up on prepâred râck.

9. Broïl untïl wïngs âre lïghtly chârred, âbout 10 to 15 mïnutes. Flïp wïngs over ând brush wïth sâuce. Broïl 3 mïnutes. Flïp ând brush wïth sâuce one more tïme ând broïl 2 mïnutes.

10. Sprïnkle wïth sesâme seeds.

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