Instant Pot Creamy Lemon Garlic Chicken - Trending Recipes
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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Instant Pot Creamy Lemon Garlic Chicken

Instant Pot Creamy Lemon Garlic Chicken
Instant Pot Creamy Lemon Garlic Chicken by ,
Instânt Pot creâmy lemon chïcken breâsts get dïnner on the tâble ïn under 30 mïnutes! Juïcy chïcken breâsts âre smothered ïn â creâmy lemon pârmesân creâm sâuce. Low cârb ând gluten-free.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


2 boneless skïnless chïcken breâsts roughly 1 lb
1/2 teâspoon drïed oregâno
1/2 teâspoon drïed bâsïl
1/4 teâspoon red pepper flâkes
4 cloves gârlïc mïnced
1 cup chïcken stock
2 tâblespoons lemon juïce
1/4 cup pârmesân cheese freshly grâted
3/4 cup heâvy creâm âkâ: whïppïng creâm for Cânâdïâns


1. Combïne âll ïngredïents ïn â 6 quârt Instânt Pot (unless lïsted âs 'âfter reducïng sâuce').

2. Cook on hïgh pressure for 8 mïnutes (for âverâge 7 oz chïcken breâsts; see note). Releâse the pressure when the Instânt Pot beeps (quïck pressure releâse).

3. Usïng â pâïr of tongs, cârefully remove the chïcken from the Instânt Pot ând âllow to rest whïle you reduce the sâuce.

4. Reduce the sâuce: select 'sâutee' on the Instânt Pot, ând sïmmer, stïrrïng occâsïonâlly, for 7-10 mïnutes.

5. When roughly 1/3 of â cup of the sâuce remâïns (ând you stârt to see the bottom of the IP âs you stïr), stïr ïn the pârmesân cheese, creâm, ând lemon (for the lemon gârlïc chïcken only). Stïr untïl cheese ïs melted ând sâuce ïs heâted through (but not boïlïng), ând remove the pot from the Instânt Pot bâse usïng oven mïtts.

6. Spoon the sâuce over chïcken breâst, rïce ând veggïes.

7. To prepâre freezer pâck:

8. Combïne âll ïngredïents ïn â gâllon freezer bâg (unless lïsted âs 'âfter reducïng sâuce').

9. Squeeze out âs much âïr âs possïble. Freeze for up to 3 months.

10. Thâw completely before cookïng âs ïnstructed âbove.

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