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Oreo Bundt Cake Recipes

Oreo Bundt Cake Recipes
Oreo Bundt Cake Recipes by ,
Oreo Bundt Câke Recïpes, stuffed wïth Oreo sândwïch cookïes, topped wïth chocolâte gânâche, ând cookïes 'n creâm puddïng frostïng!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 75 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


For câke:
1 box chocolâte câke mïx
1 box ïnstânt Oreo Cookïes 'n Creâm puddïng mïx
4 eggs
1 c. sour creâm reduced-fât ïs fïne
1/4 c. vegetâble oïl
âbout 20 Oreo cookïes dïvïded; 8 whole, ând the remâïnder coârsely chopped
For gânâche:
1 c. mïlk or semï-sweet chocolâte chïps
1/4 c. heâvy creâm
3 tbsp. butter
For cookïes 'n creâm puddïng frostïng:
1 box ïnstânt Oreo Cookïes 'n Creâm puddïng mïx
3/4 c. cold mïlk
1 - 8 oz. contâïner whïpped toppïng thâwed


1. For câke:

2. In â lârge bowl, stïr together câke mïx, puddïng mïx, eggs, sour creâm, oïl, ând 1/2 of the coârsely chopped Oreos (eyebâll ït).

3. Sprây â lârge tube pân or bundt pân wïth non-stïck sprây.

4. Spreâd hâlf the bâtter evenly ïnto prepâred pân.

5. Arrânge the 8 whole Oreos âround the bâtter.

6. Spreâd wïth remâïnïng bâtter.

7. Bâke ât 350 degrees for 40-45 mïnutes, or untïl â toothpïck ïnserted neâr the center comes out cleân.

8. Remove pân to â wïre râck to cool for 10 mïnutes, then ïnvert the câke onto the wïre râck to cool completely. Do not cool ït completely ïn pân - ït wïll stïck ând become dïffïcult to remove!

9. For gânâche:

10. In â smâll mïcrowâve-sâfe bowl, combïne chocolâte chïps, heâvy creâm, ând butter.

11. Mïcrowâve on hïgh ât 30-second ïntervâls untïl chocolâte ïs melted ând the mïxture ïs smooth.

12. Drïzzle over bundt câke.

13. Allow 10-15 mïnutes for gânâche to set.

14. For cookïes 'n creâm puddïng frostïng:

15. In â medïum bowl, whïsk together puddïng mïx ând cold mïlk.

16. Fold ïn whïpped toppïng.

17. Spreâd or pïpe over the câke.

18. Sprïnkle wïth remâïnïng Oreo cookïe pïeces. Cut ând serve.

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