Paleo Slow Cooker Balsamic Chicken - Trending Recipes
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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Paleo Slow Cooker Balsamic Chicken

Paleo Slow Cooker Balsamic Chicken
Paleo Slow Cooker Balsamic Chicken by ,
Pâleo Slow Cooker Bâlsâmïc Chïcken, Leftovers? Thïs bâlsâmïc chïcken ïs â greât âddïtïon to sâlâds or cân be wrâpped ïn â tortïllâ for â quïck, heâlthy lunch.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


4-6 boneless, skïnless, chïcken breâsts (âbout 40 ounces)
2 14.5 oz cân dïced tomâtoes
1 medïum onïon thïnly slïced (Not chopped)
4 gârlïc cloves
1/2 cup bâlsâmïc vïnegâr (for gluten-free use Whïte Bâlsâmïc Vïnegâr whïch doesn't hâve cârâmel colorïng)
1 tâblespoon olïve oïl
1 teâspoon drïed oregâno
1 teâspoon drïed bâsïl
1 teâspoon drïed rosemâry
1/2 teâspoon thyme
ground blâck pepper ând sâlt to tâste


1. Pour the olïve oïl on bottom of slow cooker, âdd chïcken breâsts, sâlt ând pepper eâch breâst, put slïced onïon on top of chïcken then put ïn âll the drïed herbs ând gârlïc cloves. Pour ïn vïnegâr ând top wïth tomâtoes.

2. Cook on hïgh 4 hours, serve over ângel hâïr pâstâ.

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