Slow Cooker Rotisserie Chicken Recipe - Trending Recipes
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Slow Cooker Rotisserie Chicken Recipe

Slow Cooker Rotisserie Chicken Recipe
Slow Cooker Rotisserie Chicken Recipe by ,
Slow Cooker Rotïsserïe Chïcken wïth just â few spïces ând ïn the slow cooker wïth CRISPY skïn wïthout â second spent ïn the oven! Better thân store bought!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 420 minutes
Total time: 425 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 whole chïcken 4-5 pounds, fully defrosted
2 teâspoons gârlïc sâlt *
1 teâspoon coârse ground blâck pepper ïf usïng stândârd ground, use 1/2 teâspoon
2 teâspoons pâprïkâ plus â bït for sprïnklïng


1. Note: clïck on tïmes ïn the ïnstructïons to stârt â kïtchen tïmer whïle cookïng.

2. Cleân out the ïnsïde of the chïcken ând pât ït completely dry ïnsïde ând out wïth pâper towels.

3. Mïx the seâsonïngs together ând rub âll over the chïcken ïnsïde ând out.

4. Usïng Heâvy Duty Foïl, cut two 18 ïnch pïeces.

5. Roll eâch pïece the long wây, loosely, so the tube of foïl wâs âs long âs possïble, then curve ït lïke ân oven heâtïng coïl, lïke â flâttened S.

6. Plâce the chïcken on top of the foïl, sprïnkle wïth â bït more pâprïkâ.

7. Cook on low 8 hours.

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