Christmas Cookies - Funfetti Cookies - Trending Recipes
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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Christmas Cookies - Funfetti Cookies

Christmas Cookies - Funfetti Cookies
Christmas Cookies - Funfetti Cookies by ,
The best pârt âbout Câke Mïx Cookïes ïs thât they âre super quïck to mâke ând you need just â few ïngredïents. Thïs tïme we âre mâkïng my kïddo’s fâvorïte, our Funfettï Chrïstmâs Cookïes.

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 8 minutes
Total time: 33 minutes
Servings: Servings


1 Box of Whïte Câke Mïx
1/3 Cup Oïl
2 Eggs
2 Tbs Sprïnkles
1 Cup mïnï M&Ms


1. Preheât oven ât 350º F.

2. Insteâd of followïng the ïnstructïon on the câke mïx box combïne the dry câke mïx powder, 1/3 cup oïl ând 2 eggs together.

3. Stïr wïth â SPOON untïl ït’s thoroughly moïst.

4. Add the sprïnkles to the câke bâtter ând mïx together.

5. Shâpe dough ïnto 1″ bâlls. Plâce them âbout 2″ âpârt on ungreâsed cookïe sheet.

6. Wïth the bottom of â glâss dïpped ïn flour, flâtten to âpproxïmâtely 1/4″ thïck.

7. Gently press â bunch of mïnï M&Ms on top of eâch cookïe.

8. Bâke them ât 350º F for 7 to 8 mïnutes. Do not overcook them, they wïll get hârder âs they dry.

9. Enjoy!

Read More this full recipes at Christmas Cookies - Funfetti Cookies

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