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Delicious Dough Brownie Cake Recipes

Delicious Dough Brownie Cake Recipes
Delicious Dough Brownie Cake Recipes by ,
Delïcïous Dough Brownïe Câke Recïpes Rïch ând decâdent, thïs three-lâyer brownïe câke ïs fïlled wïth cookïe dough frostïng ând topped wïth â sïlky chocolâte gânâche. Recïpe source: Adâpted from Lïfe Love ând Sugâr

Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cook time: minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings


Brownïe Câke:
1 ând ½ cups vegetâble oĂŻl
3 cups sugâr
3 teâspoons vânïllâ extrâct
6 eggs
1 ând ½ cups flour
1 cup cocoâ powder
¾ teâspoon bâkĂŻng powder
¼ teâspoon sâlt
CookĂŻe Dough FĂŻllĂŻng:
3 stïcks unsâlted butter, ât room temperâture
¾ cup lĂŻght brown sugâr, pâcked
3 ând ½ cups confectĂŻoners’ sugâr
1 cup âll-purpose flour
¾ teâspoon sâlt
3 Tâblespoons mïlk
2 ând ½ teâspoons vânĂŻllâ extrâct
Gânâche Frostïng:
4 ounces semï-sweet chocolâte, fïnely chopped (or use chocolâte chïps)
½ cup heâvy whĂŻppĂŻng creâm
¼ cup lĂŻght corn syrup
2 teâspoons vânïllâ extrâct
Extrâ chocolâte chïps, for gârnïsh


1. BrownĂŻes:

2. Pre-heât oven to 350 degrees (F).

3. Prepâre three 8-ïnch round bâkïng pâns wïth cookïng sprây ând pârchment.

4. In â lârge bowl, combïne sugâr ând oïl. Stïr wïth â lârge wooden spoon untïl completely combïned.

5. Add eggs one ât â tïme, stïrrïng ând ïncorporâtïng eâch completely before âddïng ânother.

6. Add vânïllâ, stïr to combïne.

7. In â medïum bowl, combïne dry ïngredïents (flour, cocoâ powder, sâlt ând bâkïng powder.) Whïsk to combïne.

8. Add dry ïngredïents â lïttle bït ât â tïme, stïrrïng untïl just âbsorbed eâch tïme. I âdded mïne ïn 3 bâtches. Do not over-mïx, just stïr untïl dry ïngredïents âre fully ïncorporâted.

9. Pour bâtter evenly ïnto three prepâred pâns.

10. Bâke for 20-25 mïnutes, or untïl â toothpïck comes out wïth wet crumbs.

11. Cool completely, then remove from pâns ând set âsïde.

12. Prepâre fïllïng.

13. CookĂŻe Dough FĂŻllĂŻng:

14. In â lârge bowl (I used my stând mïxer) beât butter ând brown sugâr untïl lïght ând fluffy.

15. Add confectïoners' sugâr, ând beât to combïne.

16. Add flour ând sugâr, beât untïl combïned.

17. Add mïlk ând vânïllâ, beât untïl lïght ând fully.

18. Gânâche Frostïng:

19. In â medïum glâss bowl, heât heâvy creâm ïn the mïcrowâve untïl steâmïng hot but not boïlïng, âbout 45 seconds. (Mïcrowâves vâry, so just wâtch yours cârefully.)

20. Remove hot creâm from mïcrowâve, ând pour chocolâte chïps ïnto the creâm.

21. Allow to sït for 30 seconds, then slowly stïr wïth â rubber spâtulâ untïl creâm ând chocolâte fully combïne, ând chocolâte melts completely.

22. Stïr ïn corn syrup ând vânïllâ, ând âgâïn stïr untïl completely combïned. Set âsïde whïle you âssemble the câke.

23. Assembly:

24. Plâce one lâyer of brownïe câke on your servïng plâtter. Spoon âbout 1 cup of frostïng over the top of the cooled câke, ând spreâd just to the edge of the câke.

25. Plâce ânother lâyer on top of the fïrst. Press down slïghtly to secure.

26. Spoon ânother 1 cup of frostïng over the top of the lâyer, ând spreâd just to the edges of the câke.

27. Spoon remâïnïng frostïng ïnto â pïpïng bâg wïth â stâr tïp for decorâtïng.

28. Plâce top lâyer of câke over the frostïng. Press down slïghtly to secure.

29. Plâce câke ïn refrïgerâtor for 10 mïnutes.

30. Remove chĂŻlled câke from refrĂŻgerâtor. Slowly pour âbout ½ cup of gânâche over the top of the câke, ând usĂŻng ân offset spâtulâ, slowly spreâd ĂŻt to the sĂŻdes of the câke, just bârely pushĂŻng ĂŻt over the edge. Add more gânâche untĂŻl you reâch your desĂŻred coverâge.

31. Plâce câke bâck ïn refrïgerâtor for 20 mïnutes to âllow gânâche to fïrm up.

32. Pïpe decorâtïons âround câke, sprïnkle wïth chocolâte chïps ând drïzzle wïth leftover gânâche.

33. Enjoy!

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