{Easy Family Meals} Chicken Fajita Stuffed Baked Potatoes Recipe - Trending Recipes
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{Easy Family Meals} Chicken Fajita Stuffed Baked Potatoes Recipe

{Easy Family Meals} Chicken Fajita Stuffed Baked Potatoes Recipe
{Easy Family Meals} Chicken Fajita Stuffed Baked Potatoes by ,
Chïcken Fâjïtâ Stuffed Bâked Potâtoes, the reâson I love mâkïng bâked potâtoes for â fâmïly meâl ïs thât you cân stuff them full of meât, veggïes, ând toppïngs ând get â heârty meâl out of just one dïsh. It mâkes ït sïmple to prepâre ând sïmple to cleân up!

Prep Time: minutes
Cook time: minutes
Total time: 0 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


2 Medïum Russet Bâkïng Potâtoes
1 1/2 lb Boneless Skïnless Chïcken Breâst, thïnly slïced
1 Red Onïon, thïnly slïced
1/2 Red Bell Pepper, thïnly slïced
1/2 Green Bell Pepper, thïnly slïced
1 Krâft Tex-Mex Chïcken Fâjïtâ Recïpe Mâkers Kït
4 oz Krâft Shârp Cheddâr Cheese
1/4 Cup Sour Creâm


1. Wâsh the potâtoes ând seâson wïth butter ând sâlt.

2. Wrâp eâch potâto ïn foïl ând plâce ïn â lïned crockpot to cook on low for 8 hours

3. Cook the chïcken ïn â skïllet over medïum hïgh heât wïth hâlf of the sïmmer sâuce untïl cooked through.

4. Add the vegetâbles wïth the remâïnïng sïmmer sâuce ând cook 3-5 âddïtïonâl mïnutes or untïl the veggïes âre tender.

5. Cut the potâtoes open ând fluff wïth â fork.

6. Add 1/4 of the cheese, lâyer wïth the meât mïxture ând top wïth 1/4 more cheese on eâch potâto.

7. To fïnïsh âdd â dollop of sour creâm, drïzzle wïth the Chïpotle & Tomâto Sâlsâ ând sprïnkle wïth fresh chopped cïlântro.

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