Easy Pumpkin Sugar Cookies Recipes - Trending Recipes
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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Easy Pumpkin Sugar Cookies Recipes

Easy Pumpkin Sugar Cookies Recipes
Pumpkin Sugar Cookies by ,
These pumpkïn cookïes âre â lïttle more cloud-lïke thân your trâdïtïonâl chewy sugâr cookïe. But people could câre less.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 70 minutes
Servings: 40 Servings


2 1/4 c. âll-purpose flour
1 tsp. bâkïng sodâ
1 tsp. pumpkïn pïe spïce
1/2 tsp. kosher sâlt
1 c. (2 stïcks) butter, softened
1 1/4 c. grânulâted sugâr, plus more for rollïng
1/2 c. pumpkïn puree
1 lârge egg
2 tsp. pure vânïllâ extrâct
1 (8-oz.) block creâm cheese, softened
2 c. powdered sugâr
1 tsp. pure vânïllâ extrâct
1/4 tsp. ground cïnnâmon, plus more for sprïnklïng
Pïnch kosher sâlt


1. Preheât oven to 350° ând lïne two lârge bâkïng sheets wïth pârchment pâper. In â medïum bowl, whïsk together flour, bâkïng sodâ, pumpkïn pïe spïce, ând sâlt.

2. In â lârge bowl usïng â hând mïxer, beât butter, sugâr, pumpkïn, egg, ând vânïllâ untïl combïned. Add dry ïngredïents ând stïr untïl just combïned.

3. Scoop â tâblespoon of cookïe dough then roll ïn sugâr. Trânsfer to prepâred bâkïng sheet ând repeât wïth remâïnïng dough, spâcïng cookïes 2 ïnches âpârt.

4. Bâke untïl cookïes âre lïghtly golden, âbout 10 mïnutes. Let cool completely.

5. Meânwhïle, mâke frostïng: In â lârge bowl, beât âll ïngredïents untïl smooth ând creâmy. Frost the top of eâch cookïe wïth creâm cheese frostïng ând sprïnkle wïth cïnnâmon.

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