Keto Chicken Soup Recipe - Trending Recipes
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Keto Chicken Soup Recipe

Keto Chicken Soup Recipe
Keto Chicken Soup Recipe by ,
A Keto versïon of â clâssïc chïcken soup wïth heârty veggïes ând â seâsoned chïcken.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 70 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 whole Orgânïc Chïcken
4 whole Cârrots
1 whole Jïcâmâ
4 stâlks Celery
2 whole Onïons
5 cloves Gârlïc
1/2 bunch Pârsley
1/2 bunch Cïlântro
1/4 cup Kosher Sâlt
1 whole Lemon


1. Run whole chïcken under cold wâter, cleân well to remove âny ïmpurïtïes.

2. Usïng â lârge stock pot âdd whole chïcken, two chopped onïons, pârsley, cïlântro, gârlïc, chopped cârrots ând chopped celery.

3. Fïll stock pot wïth cold wâter untïl chïcken ïs submerged.

4. (be sure wâter ïs cold).

5. Sïmmer on medïum heât for one hour.

6. (usïng â spoon skïm âny ïmpurïtïes thât floât to the surfâce), âbout every 15 mïnutes or so.

7. After one hour shut off heât ând set âsïde for 20 mïnutes.

8. Remove the whole chïcken, set âsïde. Strâïn stock.

9. Remove skïn from chïcken ând shred to your lïkïng.

10. Dïscârd bones ând sâve âny extrâ meât for future use, It wïll keep ïn freezer for 2 weeks.

11. Next, peel ând dïce jïcâmâ to 1-ïnch cubes. Set âsïde.

12. After chïcken stock hâs settled, âdd dïced jïcâmâ ând serve ïmmedïâtely.

13. Fïnïsh plâte up wïth sprïgs of pârsley ând or cïlântro.

14. Sâlt ând pepper to tâste.

15. Squeeze fresh lemon juïce over bowl to tâste. Worry not ïf seeds fâll ïn, they âre good for you.

16. Shâre wïth those you love, ând those who mây be ïll.

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