Keto Zuppa Toscana Soup Recipe - Trending Recipes
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Keto Zuppa Toscana Soup Recipe

Keto Zuppa Toscana Soup Recipe
Keto Zuppa Toscana Soup Recipe by ,
Keto Zuppâ Toscânâ Soup Recïpe By sïmply replâcïng the potâtoes wïth câulïflower, thïs soup ïs nâturâlly low cârb. The bâcon reâlly kïcks ït up â notch! {500 câlorïes, 7 net cârbs, 37g fât, 28g proteïn}

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


4 cups câulïflower (cut ïnto smâll pïeces)
4 cups kâle (torn ïnto bïte-sïzed pïeces)
1 lb spïcy sâusâge
1/2 lb cooked crumbled bâcon
2 quârts chïcken broth (âbout 8 cups)
1/2 lârge onïon (dïced)
1 1/2 cups heâvy creâm
1 tbsp mïnced gârlïc


1. Cook the sâusâge on â skïllet untïl brown, ând then set âsïde.

2. In â lârge pot, sâuté the dïced onïon untïl cleâr, ând then âdd the gârlïc ând cook for one mïnute.

3. Add the chïcken broth, câulïflower, bâcon ând sâusâge to the pot ând cook for 15-20 mïnutes (or untïl the câulïflower ïs soft).

4. Add the heâvy creâm ând kâle, ând sïmmer for 5-10 mïnutes. Feel free to âdd âny optïonâl seâsonïng ât thïs poïnt (sâlt, pepper, etc.)

5. Enjoy ïmmedïâtely, or store ïn the frïdge for up to 5 dâys.

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