Homemade Buttered Pecan Ice Cream Recipe by scatteredthoughtsofacraftymom,
Thïs unbelïevâbly delïcïous Homemâde Buttered Pecân Ice Creâm Recïpe ïs super eâsy to mâke ïn your ïce creâm mâker.
Prep Time: minutes
Cook time: minutes
Total time: 0 minutes
Servings: Servings
• Ice Creâm
• 1.5 cups sugâr
• 1/2 cân (âbout 7 oz) sweetened condensed mïlk
• 1.5 tâblespoons good quâlïty vânïllâ
• 4 sâfest choïce pâsteurïzed eggs (If you cânt fïnd the Sâfest Choïce Eggs, I’ve ïncluded the extrâ cookïng step ïn the notes.)
• 4 cups mïlk (Your choïce of whole or 2% mïlk, hâlf n hâlf, heâvy creâm- the hïgher the fât content of the mïlk, the creâmïer the ïce creâm wïll be.)
• optïonâl (but so good!) Cârâmel ïce creâm toppïng
• Buttered Pecâns:
• 3/4 cup chopped pecâns
• 3 tbs butter
• 1 tbs sugâr
Thïs unbelïevâbly delïcïous Homemâde Buttered Pecân Ice Creâm Recïpe ïs super eâsy to mâke ïn your ïce creâm mâker.
Prep Time: minutes
Cook time: minutes
Total time: 0 minutes
Servings: Servings
• Ice Creâm
• 1.5 cups sugâr
• 1/2 cân (âbout 7 oz) sweetened condensed mïlk
• 1.5 tâblespoons good quâlïty vânïllâ
• 4 sâfest choïce pâsteurïzed eggs (If you cânt fïnd the Sâfest Choïce Eggs, I’ve ïncluded the extrâ cookïng step ïn the notes.)
• 4 cups mïlk (Your choïce of whole or 2% mïlk, hâlf n hâlf, heâvy creâm- the hïgher the fât content of the mïlk, the creâmïer the ïce creâm wïll be.)
• optïonâl (but so good!) Cârâmel ïce creâm toppïng
• Buttered Pecâns:
• 3/4 cup chopped pecâns
• 3 tbs butter
• 1 tbs sugâr
1. In â lârge mïxïng bowl, beât the eggs together for â mïnute or two, âdd sugâr ând contïnue mïxïng for ânother mïnute untïl eggs ând sugâr âre completely combïned.
2. Add vânïllâ, mïlk ând condensed mïlk. Blend untïl âll ïngredïents âre combïned.
3. Add mïxture to ïce creâm mâchïne ând follow mânufâcturer’s dïrectïons to process.
4. Buttered Pecâns:
5. Melt butter ïn lârge pân over med-hïgh heât.
6. Add sugâr ând stïr wïth spâtulâ untïl sugâr ïs dïssolved.
7. Add pecâns, reduce heât to medïum ând gently stïr/toss pecâns untïl toâsted. (âbout 5 mïnutes.) Wâtch pecâns closely they go from beïng done to burned, very fâst.
8. Trânsfer pecâns to â plâte ând let cool.
9. â few mïnutes before ïce creâm ïs complete, âdd pecâns to the ïce creâm ând let the mâchïne mïx the pecâns ïnto the ïce creâm.
10. Eât rïght âwây âs soft serve or trânsfer to freezer sâfe contâïner ând freeze 2 to 4 hours or untïl desïred consïstency ïs reâched.
11. Optïonâl step usïng cârâmel: Trânsfer 1/2 of ïce creâm to freezer sâfe contâïner. Spreâd/squeeze â generous âmount of cârâmel over ïce creâm lâyer. Add remâïnïng ïce creâm to contâïner ând top wïth more cârâmel. Use â butter knïfe to gently stïr the cârâmel âround. Plâce ïn freezer for 2 -4 hours.
12. Enjoy!
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