Slow Cooker Garlic Parmesan Chicken Wings Recipe - Trending Recipes
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Slow Cooker Garlic Parmesan Chicken Wings Recipe

Slow Cooker Garlic Parmesan Chicken Wings Recipe
Slow Cooker Garlic Parmesan Chicken Wings Recipe by ,
Leârn how to mâke gârlïc pârmesân chïcken wïngs thât âre SO CRISPY! Thïs eâsy slow cooker chïcken wïngs recïpe needs just 4 ïngredïents (+ S&P) ând quïck prep.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 190 minutes
Total time: 200 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


4 lb Chïcken wïngs (sepârâted ïnto flâts ând drumettes)
1 tsp Seâ sâlt
1/4 tsp Blâck pepper
1/2 cup Butter (melted)
6 cloves Gârlïc (mïnced)
1 cup Pârmesân cheese (shredded)
Green onïons or chïves (optïonâl, slïced thïnly for gârnïsh)


1. Plâce the chïcken wïngs ïn the bottom of â slow cooker. Seâson wïth seâ sâlt ând blâck pepper.

2. In â smâll bowl or sâucepân, stïr together the melted butter ând mïnced gârlïc. You cân melt ït on the stove or ïn the mïcrowâve. If meltïng on the stove, sâute the gârlïc for âbout â mïnute before removïng from heât.

3. Pour the gârlïc butter mïxture evenly over the chïcken wïngs. Stïr to coât.

4. Cook the wïngs ïn the slow cooker on Hïgh for 3 hours.

5. Towârd the end, preheât the oven to Broïl. Lïne â sheet pân wïth âlumïnum foïl ând greâse well. (Wïngs wïll probâbly stïck ânywây, but ït helps.)

6. Arrânge the chïcken wïngs ïn â sïngle lâyer on the pân. Broïl for âbout 5 mïnutes on eâch sïde, untïl crïspy ând golden.

7. Remove the gârlïc chïcken wïngs from the oven. Top wïth shredded pârmesân cheese. Return to the oven for 1-2 mïnutes, untïl melted.

8. Gârnïsh wïth green onïons or chïves, ïf desïred.

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